History of The Armory
The Kentish Guard Armory on Peirce St. was built in 1843 with the sum of $1000 donated by the General Assembly to the Kentish Guards as a reward for faithful service during the Dorr Rebellion of 1842. The Greek Revival style of the armory is considered by architectural historians to be of outstanding architectural value and of great historic value at the national level. The building has been on the National Register of Historic Places since 1971. The armory is unique since it is believed to be the only armory of its kind built during this period just prior to the Mexican War. Little has been done to change it over the years.
The gallery of pictures in the armory are especially interesting. Former members of the Guard are featured. The original charter hangs on the wall as a lasting reminder and a memorial to those men who organized the Kentish Guards in 1774.
The Kentish Guards Armory is also listed as one of the Historical Armories of Rhode Island, in recognition of these vanishing architectural treasures.
Old Post Card Picture of the Armory, early 20th Century.